Parenting Lessons (July 24): Childhood Trauma or Friendship Lessons?

Parenting Lessons (July 24): Childhood Trauma or Friendship Lessons?

This is part of a monthly series where I share parenting lessons I personally learned each month. Pin this on Pinterest 😉 No time to read this article? Click on the save button and pin it to read later! Lesson 1: Childhood Trauma in General 

Parenting Lessons (Jun 24): Enjoying the Different Seasons of Parenthood

Parenting Lessons (Jun 24): Enjoying the Different Seasons of Parenthood

This is part of a monthly series where I share parenting lessons I learned on this journey. Pin this on Pinterest 😉 No time to read this article? Click on the save button and pin it to read later! In June 2024, I celebrated 7 

Parenting Lessons (May 24): My parenting style is right. Right?

Parenting Lessons (May 24): My parenting style is right. Right?

This is part of a monthly series where I share parenting lessons I learned on this journey. I procrastinated writing this for a long time, partly because of post-vacation blues from Malaysia and partly busy school holidays. Still, mainly it’s because it was a painful 

Parenting Lessons (Apr 24): Release Control

Parenting Lessons (Apr 24): Release Control

This is part of a monthly series where I share parenting lessons I learned on this journey. I’m increasingly frustrated with my girl who is turning seven in a few months. Is it the primary school environment and its bombardment of influences? “Why do I 

Notes for Christian Mummies (1)

Notes for Christian Mummies (1)

I tuned in to Kingdom City’s online connect for mothers which is held fortnightly on Thursday. It’s like a seminar where different speakers/mummies share their wisdom and experiences. No participation required from the audience, yays for me! When I listened in for the first time, 

7 parenting books for better parenting

7 parenting books for better parenting

Books are great sources of knowledge. They give us a chance to learn from different people and glean from their knowledge and mistakes. We read to improve our work performance, generate finances, and increase wisdom. However, many parents I know don’t read up on parenting. 

Financial Planning Tips for Parents with Young Children

Financial Planning Tips for Parents with Young Children

Parents used to focus their financial plans primarily on their children’s higher education. With the increasing cost of living these days, financial implication starts as early as when the child is in childcare, or even earlier when the child is in the mother’s tummy. Moreover,