Notes for Christian Mummies (1)
I tuned in to Kingdom City’s online connect for mothers which is held fortnightly on Thursday. It’s like a seminar where different speakers/mummies share their wisdom and experiences. No participation required from the audience, yays for me! When I listened in for the first time, I was encouraged by the speaker who shared a similar mother’s guilt as me. It made me feel less alone. This second time, the following jumped out to me and so I took some notes to share with Christian mummies and my future self.

“Don’t do quiet time behind closed doors but in view of the children. Show the children that reading the bible is normal,” suggested Kerry Stevens.
“We will not be with them all the time. They might not listen to us too. So help the children to have a relationship with God so that the Holy Spirit can speak to them and guide them,” advised Rachel Das.
“I play armour of God as I prepare the children for school in the morning,” said Sarah Woo.
My Thoughts / Application

I tried to do quiet time in the open a few times – because I believe in modelling for the kids. We can set an example of reading the bible. However I am sensitive to noise. So this is good for quick bible reading but definitely not for meditation. The kids were too noisy and I was an open target for them to disturb. Lol. But might try it again when the children are older.
What Rachel Das said was a good reminder to help the children build their own personal relationship with God. Ultimately, God is the one who will always be walking with them and has a wisdom higher than ours.
I found the children’s song “Full Armour of God” online and will probably play this for my girls to get pumped up in the morning. It’s also a good way to teach them to wear the armour of God, along with their school uniforms.
Platforms for Mummies / Women
Other than online connect for mothers around the world, there’s also a curated collection of stories from Ps Jemima Varughese and women at Kingdomcity. You can read them at Propel Women is also another Christian ministry that has articles written by women for women.
On a smaller local scale, I had set up a WhatsApp group to connect Christian mummies from different churches in Singapore during 2020. It’s a platform for mothers to share and receive biblical/Christian-y sharing relating to motherhood. I must admit, it’s not very active right now. Conversations were vibrant but died down after a while. Still, I occasionally share Christian materials to edify mummies, and I encourage other mummies to share too. So if you are interested in receiving and sharing, you can sign up at
If you need a physical connection, this is quite an established network in Singapore:
Let me know if you have any other good resources to share for mothers and women. Leave your comments below!
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