Tag: Pregnancy Books

Book Notes: Supernatural Childbirth

Book Notes: Supernatural Childbirth

The following is an excerpt from ‘Supernatural Childbirth’ by Jackie Mize. You can also get the Kindle Edition for your kindle. The following are notes that I want to read over again and declare over my pregnancy and labour experience. Hope the words will speak life 

Book Notes: God’s Plan for Pregnancy

Book Notes: God’s Plan for Pregnancy

The following is an excerpt from ‘God’s Plan for Pregnancy: From Conception to Childbirth and Beyond!‘ by Nerida Walker. You can also get the Kindle Edition for your kindle. The following are notes that I want to read over again and declare over my pregnancy and 

Book Notes: Praying Through Your Pregnancy

Book Notes: Praying Through Your Pregnancy

The following is an excerpt from ‘Praying Through Your Pregnancy (A week-by-week guide)’ by Jennifer Polimino and Carolyn Warren. You can also get the Kindle Edition for your kindle. The following are notes that I want to read over again and declare over my pregnancy and labour 

Book Review: Christian Pregnancy Books

Book Review: Christian Pregnancy Books

Being a first time mum, there are many things I don’t know. Other than talking to other experienced mothers, reading books helps a lot too – being a deep well of resource and knowledge. But of course, do be discerning and read with a critical