Tag: Delivery

Second Pregnancy. Second Birth Story.

Second Pregnancy. Second Birth Story.

🌟 LEAP OF JUBILEE JOY 🌟 Jubilee Joy is here! Yes, that’s the first and middle name of our second daughter. It’s not a common name, but one bursting with joy. Indeed, her loud cries filled the delivery suite when she popped out of my 

Birth Story at NUH

Birth Story at NUH

Every woman has her own birth story to tell. Yet, I found myself googling for birth stories to prep myself for what’s to come. And after delivery, I was still googling for stories to see if other women shared similar experiences. Different but same same. 

Hospital Bag Packing List for Labour (Singapore)

Hospital Bag Packing List for Labour (Singapore)

(Updated Jan 2020) The day is near. It’s time to pack your hospital bag to prevent last minute frenzy. I would recommend packing one to two months ahead. I have heard of quite a few cases where baby popped out one month before EDD. So 

Cord Blood Banking – Private or Donate?

Cord Blood Banking – Private or Donate?

If you are pregnant for a few months now, I’m sure you have heard about cord blood banking. If not, you might want to find out more about it. Don’t let your cord blood go into waste! Cord blood is the blood in your baby’s umbilical