How to Make Play Dough with Flour

During circuit breaker, I’ve been looking out for ideas to keep the little toddler entertained at home. Since EX loves to play play dough, let’s make one together! This homemade recipe kept her occupied slightly longer than playing with those store bought ones.

This recipe was shared with me through her pre-school’s instructional video. The ingredients required are simple and readily available in kitchen. It’s also easy to make and fun for the kids to play with. A good sensory play. Check out my other homemade sensory play ideas too!

Why sensory play? It stimulates young children’s five senses and helps them learn sensory attributes such as hot, cold, sticky, and wet. Sensory play also facilitates exploration and learning as children play, create, and investigate.

Play Dough Recipe

What You Need

  • 1 cup of Salt
  • 3 cups of Plain Flour
  • 1 cup of Water
  • 2 tbsp of Oil
  • Small amount of Food Colouring
  • 1 Spoon for stirring
  • 1 Big Mixing Bowl or Containers^
  • For Storage: Air-tight Containers^

^ Reuse plastic containers such as microwavable food containers and mineral water bottles.


STEP 1: Pour the salt and flour into the mixing bowl. Lightly mix them together.

STEP 2: Pour 2 tbsp of oil into the cup of water. Then add a few drops of the food colouring inside. Stir and mix them with a spoon.

STEP 3: Pour the cup of oil, water and food colouring into the middle of the mixing bowl of salt and flour.

STEP 4: Mix everything and knead the dough for about 10 minutes. If it’s still sticky to the fingers, add more flour.


  • Play with it!
  • Store in an air-tight container. It will get sticky again, add in more flour and play.

This is us having fun! This was an impromptu video, so pardon our very down-to-earth outfits. I look so auntie! >.<


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