Prayer Over My Birth Story
Fear gripped my heart. “I don’t want to grow through the birth pain again.” This went over my mind again and again. I feel like a first time mum, except I know the pain level to expect now. And this expectation makes me fearful.
I could easily solve this problem with epidural. But it makes no sense to go through the second birth with epidural when I had none for my first. Reasons I didn’t want an epidural are the high fees, the possible side effects, the huge needle, and the lost chance of experiencing natural birth.
It should be easier with second – so epidural might be wasted? Yet, although my labour was relatively short as a first time mum, I was screaming for epidural and almost got it at 9cm. I could not even take the pain for an hour of active labour and another hour of pushing. What if my second labour is longer? God gave me a short labour for the first labour. Every birth is different – so I might not be so blessed this time round. Ah, negative thoughts from the enemy. I need to reject that! God is a good good God.
In addition, there’s the anxiety from how to juggle my toddler and a newborn. My toddler is clingy to me recently, perhaps she senses that a newborn is coming? Her separation anxiety rubs off on me. Moreover, because of the recent Wuhan virus outbreak, the hospital restricts children under 12 from visiting. This makes it worse because she would be separated from me for 1-2 nights because of her sister. Then, I can’t shower for her because of my confinement period, and then the…you get the point.
With all these fear and anxieties that surround me, I was really glad to come across calming promises in the pregnancy devotional book, Praying Through Your Pregnancy. Promises to pray over, declare and claim them. I replaced words in the book to make the prayer personal to baby JBL and me.
“…our daughter came out peacefully into a room filled with prayers and the sweet presence of the Lord.”
“With each contraction, I went up into God’s presence, God cushioned each contraction with His Holy spirit, and it was one of the most wonderful, most amazing experience I’ve ever had.”
“I would have a contraction and go up into the Lord’s presence and feel completely protected by His care for me, surrounded by His love.”
“Lord, I pray that I will have the most wonderful birth experience I ever imagined. Be close to me from the time I go into labour and throughout. Let me feel You life me up into Your love during each contraction. Let me know You are with me, helping and guiding my baby to be born. Give me strength and endurance.”
“And Jesus, I pray Your holy presence will fill the room as JBL comes into this world. Let there be an atmosphere of joy and gladness, of peace and praise.”
“Give me an awesome birth experience, one I will treasure forever. In Jesus name, amen.”
Our daughter is named Jubilee Joy. And so as I prayed over her, I felt led to pray and to believe that there will be joy and dancing as she is birthed into this world, right from the moment in the delivery suite.
I pray in my heart that I would have such supernatural pain-free childbirth that it will be a testimony for other mothers to believe the same for themselves too. The blood sacrifice of Jesus has redeemed us of all pain, even childbirth pain!
Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the earth!
Serve the Lord with gladness! Come into his presence with singing!
Know that the Lord, he is God! It is he who made us, and we are his; we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture.
Enter his gates with thanksgiving, and his courts with praise! Give thanks to him; bless his name!
For the Lord is good; his steadfast love endures forever, and his faithfulness to all generations.
Psalms 100:1-5
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