Month: June 2017

Confinement Food Review (Trial Meal): Tian Wei Signature and Natal Essentials

Confinement Food Review (Trial Meal): Tian Wei Signature and Natal Essentials

As mentioned in my previous post about confinement tingkat meals, it’s best to order and try out the trial meals of different caterers. My confinement food review only serves to help you in shortlisting the caterers. What works for one mummy might not be suitable 

Confinement Tingkat Meals

Confinement Tingkat Meals

Do you have confinement nanny, mother, mother-in-law or anyone cooking confinement meals for you? And also someone to make those trips to the wet market or supermarket to buy the ingredients? And to wash up after the cooking and eating? If not, you can consider ordering confinement tingkat 

Cord Blood Banking – Private or Donate?

Cord Blood Banking – Private or Donate?

If you are pregnant for a few months now, I’m sure you have heard about cord blood banking. If not, you might want to find out more about it. Don’t let your cord blood go into waste! Cord blood is the blood in your baby’s umbilical