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Beginning of Primary 1 Academics

Beginning of Primary 1 Academics

Preparing for Primary 1 includes buying items for school, teaching the child practical skills like counting money, and preparing the child socially, mentally and emotionally. After all the preparation for Primary 1, it’s now just the beginning. Knowing how to communicate well with the school 

Primary 1: Communicate with school, teachers and other parents

Primary 1: Communicate with school, teachers and other parents

Preparing for Primary 1 includes buying necessary items for Primary 1, teaching the child practical skills like counting money, and preparing the child socially, mentally and emotionally. And this is just the beginning. Knowing how to communicate with the school, teachers and other parents and 

Preparing for Primary 1: Mentally and Emotionally

Preparing for Primary 1: Mentally and Emotionally

Preparing for Primary 1 is a huge process. In my previous posts, I talked about buying the items necessary for Primary 1, teaching the child practical skills like counting money, and preparing the child for the social scene in school. Now, here comes the heavyweight 

Preparing for Primary 1: Socially (Friends and Bullies)

Preparing for Primary 1: Socially (Friends and Bullies)

Other than equipping your child with practical skills for Primary 1, social skills are important as well. Preparing him or her to navigate Primary 1 socially could lead to a happier time in school! Having conversations with children about primary school can ease their anxieties. 

Preparing for Primary 1: Practical Skills

Preparing for Primary 1: Practical Skills

Other than shopping for the necessary items, equipping your child with practical skills is pertinent when preparing for Primary 1. Jump to the relevant section for further tips: If what you read here is useful, bless and keep it going with small support. 🙂 Pin 

Preparing for Primary 1: Shopping List

Preparing for Primary 1: Shopping List

Preparing for Primary 1 includes shopping for items your child would need. Have you bought them all? Check against the shopping list below and see if you have missed out on any. Let me know if I did too! Jump to the relevant section for 

Notes for Christian Mummies (1)

Notes for Christian Mummies (1)

I tuned in to Kingdom City’s online connect for mothers which is held fortnightly on Thursday. It’s like a seminar where different speakers/mummies share their wisdom and experiences. No participation required from the audience, yays for me! When I listened in for the first time,