Thomson Medical Confinement Food Tasting Session
I wanted to try out the trial meal of Thomson Medical confinement food (under ThomsonBaby), but it is at a shocking price of S$68! That’s crazily expensive for a single meal. I think they priced it as such so that you will be go for their free food tasting session instead.
Do read the ‘‘Confinement tingkat meals‘ post if you are still undecided on whether to order these meals and are looking for a list of popular caterers.
Thomson Medical Confinement Food Tasting Session
The tasting session is about an hour and held every month at Thomson Parentcraft Centre (opposite Thomson Medical Centre). You can register for the session at their website: > Food Tasting Registration.
Informative Session about Confinement Diet
We were served a hot cup of red dates tea when we entered the room. The tea was super hot but not as sweet as the other caterers we tried. The session started off with a short presentation on the different stages of post-natal recovery and other information about confinement diet. Each stage has a different objective and thus the food to eat should be different for each of them.
- Healing and Recovery of Uterus
- Digestive Wellness and Breastfeeding
- Vitality Booster
The herbs used in the dishes for the first half of the confinement period is milder as compared to the second half. The second half is when you need to consume more tonic to recover your energy and regain vitality. As such, their menu is divided into two different cycles and only offers to deliver the vinegar pig’s trotter dish after the first cycle (10 days).
I think they had this informative talk to convince you that they know what they are doing when designing the confinement meal menu. After the talk, you can also approach the speaker to clarify your doubts and questions about confinement diet.
Food Sampling
Halfway through the talk, each couple was served a plate of confinement dishes – in sampling sizes. Among the 6 sample cups, 2 of them are red dates tea. The rest comprises of soup, two portions of meat, and a portion of Braised Pig’s Trotter in Black Vinegar.
Their food is quite nice and I especially like their pig’s trotter dish. The two meats have strong ginger flavour in them and you can find many ginger slices in them. However, I am not a big fan of these ginger slices and so tried to pick them out and set them aside. Otherwise, the food is generally tasty.
Image Credit (except for price list):
Food Menu and Delivery
Food Menu
Because of the different objective of each post-natal recovery stage, their 28-Day menu consists of two cycles, first 10 days (healing) and subsequent 18 days (booster).
As such, the first meal will start from any day of the first 10 days stated in their menu. Moreover, if you get bored with repetitive food, don’t worry, there is hardly any repetition in their menu. Thomson Medical Centre is also well-known for their fish head and green papaya soup, although there are mummies who said it is bland.
Food Delivery
For their delivery, the food will be packed in tiffin food containers and thermos (and not disposable food containers like other caterers). You simply need to rinse them with water and packed them back into the bag. Pass these empty containers to the delivery man when they come with your next meal. For the last meal, the food will be packed in disposable containers.
This arrangement sounds healthier and more environmental friendly than having to eat out of disposable packaging throughout confinement.
Delivery time will be between 11.00am to 2.00pm for lunch and 4.30pm to 7.30pm for dinner.
Special Promotion
My Decision
Since this is my first confinement, I am particular in getting sufficient nutrients and having the right meals planned out for me. Also because before I got pregnant, I get cold easily and had bad menstrual cramps. TCM doctors have said that if confinement is done right, these issues will go away after confinement.
Hence, knowing that ThomsonBaby’s menu is designed by TCM Physicians and Nutritionists at Thomson Medical, I decided to sign up for their 28-day lunch and dinner. I even added their Pig’s Trotters package meal that according to the speaker, has high level of collagen and will aid with digestion.
Tip: You might not need/want to sign up for Prepacked Confinement Herbs if you go for confinement tingkat meals.
Special Promotion
I was procrastinating for a long time because it is more expensive than the rest of the caterers. However, there’s further discount if we signed up during their food tasting session. Their usual price is S$1,980 and it’s S$120 and S$100 discount for FBI/SBI members and non-members respectively.
So we paid S$1,880 for the dual meal package, and got a TMC Suitcase and confinement essentials on the spot and a June promotion whereby daddy will get free Bento Lunch Set for 5 Days! It consists of rice/noodle, meat, vegetable and 2 side dishes. It will be delivered together with mummy’s confinement meal starting from Day 1 and ends on Day 5.
Update: I’ve completed my confinement meals with TMC, you can now read my review of Thomson Medical Confinement Food.
So, will you be signing up for Thomson Medical Confinement Food? What have you heard about them? Feel free to share or ask about them below.
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